Souvenir Finder App

Connecting Travelers with Local Souvenirs and Making Your Trip Memories More Impressive


Let's travel with a wishlist by considering your travel location and its latest trends!

Discover your favorite Souvenir and share it with your trip memories on souveni!

Wonderful souvenirs
Wonderful souvenirs

Explore Japanese culture, backstories for items and messages from manufactures.

AR Navigation Functions
AR Navigation Functions

Map and AR technology guide you to store by showing directions on your phone's screen.

Wishlists and Timelines
Wishlists and Timelines

Share your favorite items or wishlists with your friends and other users on timeline.

Use Cases

You can use many functions in simple steps!


Visiting Japan
Visiting Japan

souveni utilizes a variety of languages and currencies and will support your journey!

Finding Gifts
Finding Gifts

souveni will help you find unique gifts and souvenirs which will catch your eyes!

Searching Routes
Searching Routes

With the latest AR technology, you can reach your destination without getting lost.

You can find previously unknown souveniors and new places to explore!

Our Objectives

We Love Japan, We Love Local Productions.
We want to share the charm of local souvenirs and message of their manufacturers.

We want to create precious travel memories and see your smile grow. We will acheive this by sharing good products with consumers.


Download the app from here!


  • 2020/07/27News
  • 2020/07/01News
  • 2020/03/09News

Posting Items

Why don't you spread your wonderful items and your message behind the items to world travelers with us using souveni?